Town of Farmington (population 11825)
Name of service/government operation: Canandaigua - Farmington Consolidated Water District
Form of sharing: Joint water district shared between the Towns of Canandaigua and Farmington
Services affected: purchase and distribution of water
Year started: 1962
Partners: Town of Farmington and Town of Canandaigua - Small part of Town of Hopewell added 2008
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): To provide an economical way for two municipalities to purchase water and install and maintain a water distribution system.
What planning process preceded the sharing? Meeting with the two Town Board's and establishing a inter-municipal agreement that spells out various responsibilities including day to day operation of the system.
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Inter-municipal agreement, annual meeting required of the two town boards in a joint session, before the budget is adopted. Periodic meetings as required (i.e. extending the agreement, amending the agreement etc.).
Challenges: Community benefits in each municipality, extending the district to include water supply availability.
Benefits: We purchase pipe, water meters and other supplies with a combined purchasing power. We negotiate setting water rates from our supplier. In addition we also work with 3 other towns in negotiating our water rates from our supplier.
Impact on budget: Makes it affordable by cost sharing operation and maintenance. Debt service in the creation of a district remains with the respective municipality until satisfied.
Impact on labor: Based on the terms of the inter-municipal agreement the municipality having the greatest number of users will administer the district. In times of emergency or major in-house projects the municipalities assist each other.
Impact on service: Service delivery is centralized, single accountability, centralized billing and meter reading (automated).
Key contact: Ted Fafinski Town Supervisor, (315) 986 8193,