Town of Red Hook (population 11319)
Name of service/government operation: Zoning & Planning
Form of sharing: Village of Tivoli contracts with town of Red Hook
Services affected: Code enforcement; building inspections
Year started: 2008
Partners: Town of Red Hook Village of Tivoli
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Cost savings,
What planning process preceded the sharing? Opening in Village Building Dept enabled discussion of town assuming building/zoning responsibilities for village. 5 years trial. <br> Residents resistant to larger entity "taking over" village. Changes slow
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Intermunicipal Agreement
Challenges: Smaller entity feels cost savings not being realized.
Benefits: Sharing of training costs, sharing of equipment costs, sharing of proven personnel expertise
Impact on budget: slight savings to town and village ....need to professionally analyze
Impact on labor: Sharing of 1.5 positions for what was 1 ft; 2 p/t. positions
Impact on service: seamless
Key contact: Sue T. Crane Town Supervisor