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Town of Red Hook (population 11319)

Name of service/government operation: Town of Red Hook/Village of Red Hook Shared Highway Garage

Form of sharing: Intermunicipal Highway facility sharing

Services affected: more cooperation

Year started: 2012

Partners: Town of Red Hook, Village of Red Hook

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Reduce overhead costs, share personnel, increase efficiencies, reduce need for duplicative equipment and personnel,

What planning process preceded the sharing? Need for new town highway garage

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Intermunicipal Agreement

Challenges: Integrate 2 municipalities' personnel, reconfigure responsibilities, effect change in operational responsibilities; team building; build trust

Benefits: Long term cost savings, efficiencies,

Impact on budget: consolidation of actual function must result in proven cost savings

Impact on labor: unknown

Impact on service: too soon to tell

Key contact: Theresa Burke; Highway Superintendent