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Schuyler County (population 18343)

Name of service/government operation: Schuyler county Records Management

Form of sharing: Former School District garage was rehabilitated by the County for a records management facility with the County providing service to other municipalities and organizations.

Services affected: Records management - storage of records.

Year started: 2008

Partners: Watkins Glen School District, Village of Watkins Glen, Town of Dix, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the International

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Provide adequate space and facilities for cost-effective Records Management.

What planning process preceded the sharing? We received a grant from NYS to study our needs.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Inter-municipal agreements or contracts.

Benefits: Met the communities' needs in a cost-effective manner.

Impact on budget: Minimal

Impact on labor: negligible

Impact on service: Greatly improved records management service.

Key contact: Tim O'Hearn, Schuyler County Administrator