Town of Erwin (population 8037)
Name of service/government operation: Southeast Steuben County Free Association Library
Form of sharing: Joint funding
Services affected: Library
Year started: 2000
Partners: City of Conring, Towns of CAmpbell, Caton, Corning, Erwin, Hornby, Lindley
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Provide library services to region in a cost effective manner
What planning process preceded the sharing? Gathering of all potential participants and served communities; use of facilitator from both profit and not-for profit agencies, contract negotiations, attorney review, establish governance board representing all partners
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? contractual agreement between supporting municipalities and the not-for-profit library association
Challenges: fiscal concerns and constraints of participants; long range financial planning
Benefits: quality service available to all communities which could not have been achieved individually
Impact on budget: for many participants represents the largest, single payment to an outside agency
Impact on labor: n/a
Impact on service: quality service for everyone
Key contact: Pauline Emery, Library Director