Town of Eden (population 7688)
Name of service/government operation: SOUTHTOWNS COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT COALITION
Form of sharing: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES- especially related to agriculture and tourism
Services affected: municial support of agriculture in our communities
Year started: 2001
Partners: towns of Eden, Evans, Brant, North Collins, Concord and Sardenia and villages of Angola and Farnham
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): to encourage people from outside of our area to visit.
What planning process preceded the sharing? Discussion over several months with elected leaders of various municipalities
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? by-laws of shared not for profit requires an elected official from each municipality be on the controlling board of directors. It also requires and annual membership fee be paid by each municipality.
Challenges: coordination of staff support from each municipality . Eventually it will require staff hired specifically for the work of the coalition
Benefits: regular contact among officials from various municipalities, shared cost of expanded activities by entities involved.
Impact on budget: little impact on individual municipal budgets
Impact on labor: little impact
Impact on service: improved and shared focus on agriculture and tourism
Key contact: Glenn Nellis, supervisor town of eden ,. and Lori Szewczgk , community affairs director for town of Evans