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Town of Oneonta (population 5229)

Name of service/government operation: Otsego County

Form of sharing: Plowing county roads within the town

Services affected: snow removal

Year started: ???

Partners: Otsego County

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Save money by having the town plow county roads within the town.

What planning process preceded the sharing? unknown

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Snow and Ice Contract with the county

Challenges: Few, town trucks frequently are on county roads in bad weather and keep the plow down.

Benefits: County does not have to hire as many drivers and keep as many trucks

Impact on budget: Minor, the cost is less for us to plow than for the county because we are already here.

Impact on labor: minor

Impact on service: improves service

Key contact: Ron Tiderencell, County Superintendent of Highways (607) 547-0538