Town of Oneonta (population 5229)
Name of service/government operation: City of Oneonta
Form of sharing: Bus Contract
Services affected: Transportation
Year started: 1985?
Partners: City of Oneonta, Town of Oneonta, Retailers
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Provide better access to transportation for local residents
What planning process preceded the sharing? Unknown
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Contract between entities
Challenges: Increasing costs of operation
Benefits: Increased transportation for residents who do not have access. Costs are partially subsidized by the businesses serviced by the bus routes. This public private arrangement seems to work well.
Impact on budget: small
Impact on labor: small
Impact on service: The combined funding sources help to keep fares low and affordable for citizens.
Key contact: Robert Wood Town Supervisor Oneonta, 607-432-2900