Town of North Salem (population 5104)
Name of service/government operation: EOHWC East of Hudson Watershed Corporation LLC Non profit set up by 19 municipalities
Form of sharing: MS4 compliance with bubble compliance for all Towns.
Services affected: delivery of phosphorus reduction
Year started: 2011
Partners: 19 municipalities ( in Northern Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess Counties.
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): To negotiate funding for and to provide an structure that will get us to compliance of our MS4 storm water phosphorus reduction goals.
What planning process preceded the sharing? created CKWIC and Northern Westchester Watershed Corp. Then expanded with Putnam and Dutchess Counties.
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? IMS's
Challenges: Funding of $38M to do work. Ongoing meetings and creating a new entity form scratch to handle the work.
Benefits: Bubble compliance - (we don't care what Town the work is done in. We are all focused on the target). and expertise that would have cost us all a significant amount of money.
Impact on budget: We wrangled $a total of $38.2M in funding from grants which we would not have been able to do on our own.
Impact on labor: reduction in the labor each Town has to provide.
Impact on service: Getting the phosphorus reduction regardless of the Town is happens in.
Key contact: Warren Lucas