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Town of Warsaw (population 5064)

Name of service/government operation: Joint Town and Village Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals

Form of sharing: Joint meetings

Services affected: Planning, zoning and building permits approved/disapprove and Zoning Appeals heard, approved, disapproved.

Year started: 2012

Partners: Town of Warsaw and Village of Warsaw

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): To provide a more efficient process, more knowledgeable boards, and one location for deciding planning, approving/disapproving Warsaw building projects and zoning appeals cases. Becoming more "customer friendly" environment for the residents of both the Town and Village of Warsaw.

What planning process preceded the sharing? Several meetings with Town Zoning Officer, Village Building Code Enforcement Officer, both Village and Town Planning Boards and Zoning Board of Appeals members. Public Hearing and Local Law adoption by both municipalities.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Local Law outlining payment structure, monthly meeting time and day for Boards, and number of board members, how appointed and terms of appointment. Village and Town adopted local law.

Challenges: Transition went very smoothly. Challenges are the future steps to consolidate the local Town and Village zoning regulations.

Benefits: Eventually to have the same regulations, fees, and permitting policies for both the Town and Village residents.

Impact on budget: Minimal at this point, perhaps some cost savings in future.

Impact on labor: Better working environment...all applicable files are in same location as meeting location.

Impact on service: Will provide more business, economic development friendly process for contractors, business and property owners.

Key contact: Rebecca J. Ryan, Supervisor or Robert Martin Town Zoning Officer, Town of Warsaw 585-786-2800,