Town of Ticonderoga (population 5042)
Name of service/government operation: Town of Ticonderoga
Form of sharing: Youth Program
Services affected: Youth Recreation
Year started: 2012
Partners: Silver Bay Association (YW/MCA)
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Provide quality youth programs and recreation to grades 6 - 12
What planning process preceded the sharing? Costly youth program and high expenses of town facility housing your rec programs.
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? property rental agreement, insurance.
Challenges: Very few challenges beyond details of the rental agreement.
Benefits: Enhanced youth rec program services and oversight by trained, professional counselors on staff.
Impact on budget: Increased revenue with rental income and savings with fewer Town personnel.
Impact on labor: Eliminated need for full and part time employees and volunteer back-up.
Impact on service: The new partnership between the Town and Silver Bay Association provides improved youth programming and services, which has resulted in increased interest and attendance by area youth.Fewer kids on the streets.
Key contact: Debra Malaney