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Town of Trenton (population 4498)

Name of service/government operation: town of Trenton and 3 villages

Form of sharing: Town takes care of the services listed below

Services affected: Dog Control, Zoning Enforcement, Codes Enforcement, Recreation, Plowing and Sanding of Roads

Year started: Roads started 50 + years ago; All others started in 1995

Partners: Villages Of Prospect, Barneveld and Holland Patent

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Elimination of Duplication of Services and Control of Costs

What planning process preceded the sharing? joint meetings and one on one between key players in the local governments

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? formal contract for roads.

Challenges: eliminating conspiracy theories that the town was going to eliminate the villages

Benefits: elimination of duplicate services and costs.

Impact on budget: minor

Impact on labor: none

Impact on service: better serve, better response

Key contact: Mark Scheidelman