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Town of Lima (population 4305)

Name of service/government operation: Village of Lima, water and highway

Form of sharing: help each other by sharing equipment and some manpower on water leak and highway repairs

Services affected: water and highway repairs

Year started: has been going on for more than 20 years

Partners: Town and village of Lima

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): help save the taxpayers money and provide better service to our constituents

What planning process preceded the sharing? just he desire to cooperate and help each other

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Just simply the way we have done business for many years.

Challenges: As we have a very stable workforce the challenges have non existent.

Benefits: provide better and quicker service to our tax payers. In the long run time equals out.

Impact on budget: Save money by not having to contract out work or purchasing equipment necessary to get the job done.

Impact on labor: Don't have to hire personnel for special jobs

Impact on service: Better and faster response to issues and routine maintenance.

Key contact: Keith Arner Highway Superintendent ad PeteYendell Town Supervisor, Ben Luft Village DPW Superintendent