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Town of Lima (population 4305)

Name of service/government operation: Town of Avon

Form of sharing: Shared purchase of surplused used bulldozer from Living County

Services affected: able to better maintain roadside ditches

Year started: 2012

Partners: town of Avon and Town of Lima

What planning process preceded the sharing? Discussion between highway superintendents and the supervisors

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? formal written contract between municipalities

Challenges: none with only 2 towns involved we know who had the equipment when anything is broken.

Benefits: Save money on equipment purchase

Impact on budget: saved money

Impact on labor: none

Impact on service: provide better service and improve time taken to clean roadside ditches. we will also use it to reclaim land at our gravel pit.

Key contact: Keith Arner, highway superintendent, Pete Yendell town supervisor