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Town of Cherry Creek
Case 1: Salt Brine for Roads

County Town of Cherry Creek
Contact person Daniel Rowicki, Supervisor, 716-296-8953
Case descriptions Case 1: Salt Brine for Roads
Forms of restructuring intermunicipal cooperation
Specific services affected salt brine for roads
Year started 1996
Partners the Town; Chautauqua Co. Dept. of Public Works (DPW)
Primary goal less expense for each dept. of public works
Barriers no barriers as we have a good working relationship with County DPW
Benefits we supply storage facilities and electric.; Chautauqua Co. supplies brine and maintenance on facilities
Impact on budget unsure at this point - cut down on salt purchasing
Impact on labor less time transporting brine from source
Key contact Ken Chase, Highway Superintendent, 716-296-5721