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Town of Penfield
Case 11: Purchase of Street Lights

County Town of Penfield
Contact person Channing Philbrick, Supervisor, 716-377-8600
Case descriptions Case 11: Purchase of Street Lights
Forms of restructuring reverse privatization - service and assets transferred from a utility to a municipality
Specific services affected most street lights in the Town are leased from and maintained by the utility. The Town is in the process of purchasing street lights and taking over their maintenance
Year started 1995
Partners the Town; Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E)
Primary goal cost-effective; quality service
Barriers RG&E does not want to sell; Town needs to find the capital to invest
Benefits save money
Impact on budget capital investments will be offset by operating cost savings
Impact on labor minimal now, but could become substantial as Town becomes responsible for maintaining more lights
Key contact Mark DiFrancesco, Superintendent of Sewers, 716-377-8639