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Town of Penfield
Case 8: Irondequoit Bay Area Sewers

County Town of Penfield
Contact person Channing Philbrick, Supervisor, 716-377-8600
Case descriptions Case 8: Irondequoit Bay Area Sewers
Forms of restructuring intermunicipal cooperation - joint production of service
Specific services affected the cost of hiring a consultant engineer to design and supervising construction of two contiguous projects were shared by the partners
Year started 1995
Partners the Town; Monroe County Pure Waters
Primary goal to construct sewers at the south end of Irondequoit Bay
Barriers none
Benefits seamless engineering and construction supervision, saved money from economies of scale
Impact on budget saved money
Impact on labor saved time in administration/supervision of the consultant's contract
Key contact Mark DiFrancesco, Superintendent of Sewers, 716-377-8639