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Town of Penfield
Case 7: Testing of Low Maintenance Turf and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Methods

County Town of Penfield
Contact person Channing Philbrick, Supervisor, 716-377-8600
Case descriptions Case 7: Testing of Low Maintenance Turf and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Methods
Forms of restructuring privatization - cooperation with a private non-profit agency
Specific services affected testing of low maintenance varieties of turf and new IPM strategies. The studies were set up by the private agency. The Town provided land, helped establish test plots of turf and gathered data for both studies. The Town also helped run educational seminars to present the results
Year started 1991
Partners the Town; Cornell Cooperative Extension in Monroe County
Primary goal to establish recommendations that will benefit towns throughout Monroe County
Barriers none
Benefits minimal maintenance turf and recommendations for best IPM practices
Impact on budget none
Impact on labor some time spent establishing plots and collecting data
Key contact Bob Ainsworth, Director of Parks, 716-377-8674