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Town of Penfield
Case 4: Evergreen Tree Removal and Transplantation

County Town of Penfield
Contact person Channing Philbrick, Supervisor, 716-377-8600
Case descriptions Case 4: Evergreen Tree Removal and Transplantation
Forms of restructuring intermunicipal cooperation - cooperation with other public agencies; privatization - cooperation with private companies
Specific services affected Penfield has hundreds of evergreen trees to be cleared from a new park. The trees were given to other towns, County agencies and two private clubs that cooperated in this effort. Some of the towns helped dig up trees, and all of the towns and the county transplanted trees to their own lands. The private clubs hired special equipment and labor to dig up the largest trees - some were transplanted to the clubs, and some were moved to other locations within the new park at no cost to the town
Year started 1994
Partners the Town; Town of Perington; Town of Webster; Town of Greece; Monroe County Parks; Monroe County Health Dept.; Penfield Country Club; Oak Hill Country Club
Primary goal to maximize efficiency of specialized equipment and labor; to save trees
Barriers none
Benefits all partners saved money; preserved mature trees
Impact on budget save money
Impact on labor shared among partners
Key contact Bob Ainsworth, Director of Parks, 716-377-8674