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Town of Penfield
Case 3: East Penfld. Watermain Extension Project

County Town of Penfield
Contact person Channing Philbrick, Supervisor, 716-377-8600
Case descriptions Case 3: East Penfld. Watermain Extension Project
Forms of restructuring intermunicipal cooperation - contracting out to another governmental unit
Specific services affected the Town has hired the Monroe County Water Authority to engineer the extension of watermains into outlying areas of the Town. The Water Authority will also supervise construction
Year started 1995
Partners the Town; Monroe County Water Authority
Primary goal to utilize the expertise of the Water Authority to get the best possible design and construction standards
Barriers none
Benefits the system is designed by its operator
Impact on budget save money
Impact on labor none
Key contact Geoffrey Benway, Town Engineer, 716-377-8683