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Town of Penfield
Case 2: Joint Development of a Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy

County Town of Penfield
Contact person Channing Philbrick, Supervisor, 716-377-8600
Case descriptions Case 2: Joint Development of a Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
Forms of restructuring intermunicipal cooperation - joint production
Specific services affected Town Highway Superintendents in Monroe County worked together (through their association) to develop a Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy that would meet a U.S. Dept. of Transportation mandate and that could be adopted by all of the Towns in Monroe County
Year started 1995
Partners Monroe County Association of Town Highway Superintendents
Primary goal to meet the federal regulations for commercial driver licensing and to cooperate in developing a uniform policy
Barriers none
Benefits 19 towns could adopt one uniform policy, developed by one committee
Impact on budget saved money that would otherwise have been spent creating 19 different policies
Impact on labor save time and effort for each municipality
Key contact Jim Fletcher, Supint. of Highways, 716-377-8632