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Putnam County
Case 1: Co. Data Processing Outsourcing Project

County Putnam County
Contact person Robert Bondi, Executive, 914-225-2212
Case descriptions Case 1: Co. Data Processing Outsourcing Project
Forms of restructuring privatization
Specific services affected centralized and decentralized data processing services
Year started 1994
Partners the County; Business Records Corporation
Primary goal improve data processing efficiency; reduce risk of ownership and obsolescence
Barriers fear of loss of control over hardware, software and data; concerns over loss of positions (job loss)
Benefits new applications; improvements in efficiency of older applications at a greatly reduced cost and level of risk
Impact on budget $250,000/year savings for county
Impact on labor loss of positions: 1 management, 7 union positions
Key contact Robert Bondi, Co. Executive, 914-225-2212