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Town of Brighton (MonroeCo.)
Case 2: Town ofBrighton/City ofRochester Building Inspection and Plan Review Program

County Town of Brighton (MonroeCo.)
Contact person Sandra Frankel, Supervisor, 716-473-8800
Case descriptions Case 2: Town ofBrighton/City ofRochester Building Inspection and Plan Review Program
Forms of restructuring intermunicipal cooperation - coop. work agreement
Specific services affected building plan review and inspection
Year started 1994
Partners the Town; City ofRochester
Primary goal better services; control costs
Barriers communications between town, where applications are taken, and city, where reviews are done
Benefits professional review access; more staff to handle peak loads
Impact on budget cut $34,000/yr.
Impact on labor net cut of two town positions
Key contact Thomas Low, Commissioner of Public Works, 716-473-8800 ext.225