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Town of Candor
Case 2: Consolidated Fueling Facility

County Town of Candor
Contact person Eric Carl, Supervisor, 607-659-3175
Case descriptions Case 2: Consolidated Fueling Facility
Forms of restructuring intermunicipal cooperation - town, village, fire company, school district
Specific services affected fueling of all school, fire, municipal vehicles
Year started 1997
Partners the Town; CandorCentral School District; Village ofCandor; Fire District
Primary goal save money; reduce environmental impact and liability
Barriers complicated contract in respect to sharing of on-going costs but do-able - not completed yet but should be done by June 1997
Benefits substantial cost savings; more directed area of large vehicle traffic; more environmentally sound
Impact on budget example: save town from installing totally new facility
Impact on labor positive - less paperwork, fully computerized facility
Key contact Steve Rayburn, Highway Superintendent, 607-659-3235