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Genesee County
Case 1: health benefits plan

County Genesee County
Contact person Jay Gsell, Manager, 716-344-2550 ext 204
Case descriptions Case 1: health benefits plan
Forms of restructuring reverse privatization - self-funded hospitalization rather than BC/BS
Specific services affected medical, dental, prescription for employees
Year started 1991; 1996/1997- municipal pool for all co. governments being considered
Partners community college; nursing home
Primary goal benefits levels, premium equivalents capped
Barriers unions resistance; level of reserve fund
Benefits local/internal control of costs; self determination of benefit levels; more logical budgeting process
Impact on budget cost avoidance over past 6yrs. is about $3,000,000
Impact on labor improved service and claims processing (mostly positive)
Key contact Marta Standish, Personnel Dir., 716-344-2550-x221